Saturday, January 24, 2015

Geraldine Hunt’s: DECLARATION

Down here on this fair planet. I do not consent to the DARK ENERGY beings,  that are here! You have almost destroyed this planet and its people. I demand you leave immediately..
I REMOVE MY CONSENT to your presence here and make void any and all contracts with you! By COSMIC LAW YOU HAVE TO LEAVE! For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
2) I AM ETERNAL, embodied at the moment inside of the human skin/body suit, and am “created” by the Infinite, Immortal Creator of ALL THAT IS. I claim all rights as such, and FULLY RESERVE them for my living being, while having NO EARTH BOUND AUTHORITY standing between my living being and Prime Creator unless designated by my conscious and fully informed consent.
2.1) There is NO tacit consent anywhere present in my life, ever! Consent for everything must be asked for, the reason and situation explained to me completely, and terms negotiated which are fully current and up to date, before any consent can be assumed or presumed. There is to be no presumption of, “Well, I assumed . . . .” Do not make assumptions beyond these statements. I mean them with my whole heart, and I will extract payment from those who are guilty down through the ages, even if I no longer exist in a human body!!!
3) This computer or “electronic writing book”, is my personal property. It is assigned to me for my private use, and is purchased with tradable energy that I earned by my own fair labor. No outside authority is granted access to it whatsoever, except to read NOTICES and CONTRACTS, and to receive INVOICES.
To be very clear, so that you cannot say ‘you assumed’ . . . all my emails are private, no matter what computer I use. My life is totally private from you no matter what device I use. . . a phone, my personal phones, a cell phone, Skype, snail mail, and so on. I do not give you access to any of these, and remember this well, because you will pay for it to the fullest extent of this contract if you intrude on my life and soul!!!
4) I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, secret group, or their representatives, their bosses, their off world allies, anyone working for or with the absolute psychopaths running Israel, and especially secret society groups: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason except as listed below:
4.1) To read NOTICES, (clearly labeled as Notices) and to become aware of any “penalties” for acting in a way that affects my living being without a valid contract or treaty, and to receive INVOICES…, (clearly labeled as Invoices).
All other material is off limits except my Declaration.
4.2) This non-consent to “privacy invasion” includes all means and forms of communication I currently use, whether in my personal life, in e-mails, phone conversations, computer usage, internet travel and access, or business writings.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Birth Certificate is a CATHOLIC VESTMENT/GARMENT

From Santos:

Listen up!!!!!!

The Birth Certificate is a CATHOLIC VESTMENT/GARMENT identifying the "parson" who has authority over CATHOLIC PROPERTY (Relics). It is NOT about any NAME. It is about CATHOLIC PROPERTY ONLY.
This is not about little "c" 14th Amendment citizenship or any other political claim. The BC is a gift from the "mother" (church) and considered a CATHOLIC BENEFICE. Once one gets his mind out of a political premise it becomes visible. The so-called courts are for the CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ONLY - run exclusively by the Diocese.
The "Legal Name" fraud ( the unknowingly stolen and copyrighted Birth Name via Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer or GIFT) which supports Slavery by Legal ownership of the Vessel (body) and Persona (sole or soul) by the State and the Church is perpetrated and supported, knowingly or unknowingly by EVERY Attorney, Judge, Banker, Hospital, Politician, Religion, Cop and BAR Member in the World. This can and will be PROVEN in a Court of LAW. It is Illegal, Unlawful and a Felony punishable by a sentence of 20 years to Life in prison for knowing participants based on US 18 Criminal Code, Chapter 77. This heinous and criminal fraud is the underlying principle supporting War, Drug Trafficking, Slave Trafficking, Disease, Pedophilia, Torture, Genocide, the Fraudulent Fiat Monetary and Banking System and Crimes Against Humanity on Planet Earth. It is the Greatest Ponzi Scheme Ever Conceived by Man and 99% of the Population are the Victims of this Crime...
Now You Know