Sunday, June 21, 2015

I am requesting everyone read this posting.

WE the free PEOPLE of QUEBEC Canada have the power to totally
Cancel and fire the useless SAAQ and fire the chief of the Quebec's police forces and hire our own
Security company that will answer to the people.. Who taught you how to drive? WHY do we spend over $900 hundred dollars to have the SAAQ teach our children to drive? That should be a wonderful private time between you and your child. Why do SAAQ want to put a black box the cars of people age 28 to 40? What’s that about? This is a new scam.
Why keep paying the salary for people that do not listen to us/their boss? Instead they beat us and sadly in some cases kill us. These lawless organization can only exist if the people as a whole
Agree to abide by their insane RULES, BYLAW’S AND STUTURES.
In my option they have broken the social contract to keep the PEACE, they should be fired immediately since their existing, they have been causing nothing but trouble and heart ship. They are out of control this system is to broken to be fixed. They steal our money through Fines and any lies they create. Are you aware that the parking meters are owned by foreigners? Look on the back of any ticket and you will see that you are
Not paying money to the police but to a charity. Insurance is a scam. All our roads are now owned by foreigners also .Example: LAVAL TOLL…WAKE FAMILY. All this without your consent, you are paying the bills. I DO NOT CONSENT! To Anything or Anyone who Limits MySelf in Anyway.

CONTRACT LAW The stipulations of parties constitute the law of the contract. Agreements give the law to the contract.” (Pacta dant legem contractui. ~ Black’s Law Dictionary Revised 4th Edition). By agreement (or contract) something is permitted that, without agreement, is not allowed.” (Pacto aliquid licitum est quod sine pacto non admittitur. ~ Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition). Consent makes the law.” Consensus facit legem ~ Black’s Law Dictionary Revised 4th Edition). A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.” (Bouvier’s 1856 Law Dictionary). The express agreement of parties overcomes *prevails against+ the law.” (Conventio vincit legem ~ Black’s Law Dictionary Revised 4th Edition).

DECLARATION OF NON-CONSENT written by D.removingtheshackles

This is my Declaration of Non-Consent
Published as a Public Notice on
JUNE 21th 2015

I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, secret group, or their representatives, their bosses, their off world allies, anyone working for or with any of the above: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason.
Privacy is defined as: my own unique personal life experience.
Each experience, had by my being, is for my personal growth and development. They are NOT for corporations to seek profit from.  They are not to be controlled by any one/person/entity/corporation/government/religion/machine/being, except MYSELF.

These experiences, which are part of my unique life experience, CAN NOT be used by any other being/human/entity/corporation/group - and any other example of someone or something that is not MY SELF- in any way that creates money for profit, while demeaning, degrading, or negatively affecting my living being.

The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Energy, and Personal Being, MYSELF, for the purpose of buying and selling, or owning is forbidden under any and every term/terminology/language/contract that is being and has been used to control and manipulate my personal Energy and Being.

The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Human Body  which houses my unique DNA that is MY PRIVATE DOMAIN, for the purpose of buying, selling, owning, or controlling is Forbidden and Banned.

The buying, selling, owning, and trading of MY Soul Energy, or MY unique human body on or by any Stock Exchange/financial institution/corporation/government/religious organization in this world or any other world, is expressly Forbidden and Banned.

The buying, selling, and owning of MY UNIQUE and Personal DNA/Energy/physical body/Consciousness anywhere in any Universe, Dimension, astral level or world is Forbidden and Banned.

The “harvesting” of my energy  by any group/organization/corporation/government/religious sect/astral entity/"galactic" being, or ANYONE who is not MYSELF, is Forbidden and Banned. Whatever the form it takes, my energy is my own creation, and I DO NOT CONSENT to having it harvested for others to use, or to profit from.
. I DO NOT CONSENT TO THE MUSIC industry stealing MY, MONEY, COPYRIGHTS to enrich themselves.
This buying, selling, and controlling, amounts to SLAVERY, and is forbidden by me under my own FREEWILL.

I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of nanite technology, parasites, or any other type of infectious diseases or infectious technology, whatsoever, whensoever, or wheresoever, now, in the past, or in the future, to be used upon my human physical body, or mind, consciousness or soul, while I am living here on Earth!

I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY TYPE OF MIND CONTROL, OR THE USE OF INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY IMPLANTS (physical, etherical, or astral), living or non living, to be used on my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, which could possibly have any affect upon my physical body, mind, consciousness or soul in ANY way, without a current (up to date), fully disclosed and transparently negotiated contract (nothing hidden), and signed by me with a wet ink signature.

I do not consent to the external creation of dreams when I am asleep. I do not consent to any other human being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine/dimensional being/entity entering my consciousness on any level, at any time.  EVER.

I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of frequency waves currently being used, or historically used, to target my private and clearly designated unique* human physical, etheric, or astral bodies, my DNA, my cells, or my mind, my consciousness or my soul in any way that is negative or dark. This includes any type of exotic, secret, or covert, Earth based, and off world based technology, (which includes locations on the moon, asteroids, or other undisclosed places being used) that projects pulses, beams, or waves, of any known frequency which has been seen to be detrimental to the human body, mind, consciousness, or soul.

* My physical body is unique due to my private ownership of my own DNA.

I DO NOT CONSENT scanning my eyes nor to using fluoride in the drinking water, nor to genetically modifying the food grown and sold for human use. I DO NOT CONSENT to aerosol sprays being placed into the air I breath, nor to programming being inserted into music that I listen to. I DO NOT CONSENT to programming placed into the television and video images I watch without a separate signed contract for each item listed above. I DO NOT CONSENT to the negative manipulation of the weather, nor to the poisoning of the Earth, because I know that these acts harmful and unhealthy to ME.
. I DO NOT CONSENT TO PLAYING MUSIC AT THE LOW Vibrating frequencies 440hz INSTEAD OF THE HIGHER frequencies VIBRATING MUSIC AT 432hz THAT heals this planet. . I DO NOT CONSENT TO singing or listening to filthy sub human LYRICS that help to eat away at OUR so cities

I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of psychics, black occult magicians, archons, demons and dark spirits, or any entities, using mental energies or any other forms of frequency attack against my living being or bodies. I DO NOT CONSENT TO my or others singer recording music masters being used in rituals to control the planet.

I DO NOT CONSENT to exotic, machine like, robotic technology either physically or ethereally, or astrally implanted, used in any way to track, alter, torment, attack, abuse, infect, or harm my body, my mind, my astral body, my consciousness or my soul at any time, at any place, for any reason.

I DO NOT CONSENT to any deception being used on my living being at anytime, anywhere, which creates ANY negative outcomes concerning the health and welfare of my own personal body, mind and soul (also known as my own personal living being), or to my Free Will, my prosperity, my wealth, or my happiness, (also described as my life).

I AM using my free will, to DECLARE AND ORDER THAT NO ONE has the right to deceive me personally in a way that affects me negatively. NO TREATY made with any human being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine, whether on or off this planet, IS VALID, if that Contract or Treaty in any way affects my life, or my body, mind, consciousness or soul in a measurably negative and dark way

NO TREATY made by anyone, anywhere is valid, if it collaterally affects my living and breathing being, my life, my happiness, or my prosperity in a dark, or negative way without my full and comprehensive and transparent consent to said or stated Treaty, even if I personally am not party to such a treaty.   This includes all corporate treaties and contracts as well as any treaties or contracts considered to be OFF WORLD and/or Interdimensional.

I remove all CONSENT to deception, harm, enslavement, or control of my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, period.  Any previous Contracts or perceived Consents- through any form of tacit or assumed Consent- is completely void and null, Forbidden and Banned.

Any Pre-birth incarnation, by any description, contracts are all, here and NOW, made permanently NULL and VOID as a result of gross deception, gross violation, trickery, mind-control, and black magic occult practices being used without my consent.

NO CONTRACT, I have signed  or agreed to, either in writing or as an assumed or tacit agreement, as concerns incarnations, in any way, shape or form, upon the Earth is Valid, regardless of any perceived amount of time or space, physical, dimensional or otherwise, has transpired since that original contract or agreement was begun.
I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY AGREEMENTS signed in Morocco involving these individuals.Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
(253) 509-4597,Hollis Randall Hillner 808-821-1567,
Caleb Skinner ,503-781-0295,
NO previous consent or contract given, if done under duress, and as a result of deception, and without fully being informed of the possible outcomes, is considered valid.

Any person/being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine/consciousness that wishes to have a contract with ME, my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, MUST Do so in complete transparency, with every single piece of that contract/consent explained in full detail, with absolutely no missing information or obligations left unstated or unexplained, and MUST be written out in full, with my fully conscious approval and wet ink signature.


If any such things as listed above are being done, or ever were done, then those acts occurred without my consent, and will be considered deception, and are VOID and NULL.  All “tacit” or presumed consent by me, for any act of doing, done by another person, entity, being, etc…, that affects ME in any way that I perceive as negative, harming or controlling my FREE WILL, what so ever is hereby now permanently removed, and challenged, and denied. It is denied to any and all beings or entities UNLESS a CURRENT CONTRACT or TREATY has been negotiated with me personally.

Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.

No further NOTICE is necessary, and this is NOW both WRITTEN and RECORDED on This Planet Earth/Gaia and in all off world/dimensional/Universal records.

If any Human/Being/Entity/Government/Religion/Corporation/Group, from this planet Earth/Gaia, any dimension, any universe, any perceived "other" level of existence, wishes to form any contracts or agreements or treaties with ME, they must Do so face to face, in this physicality that my human body resides in on this planet, in full acknowledgement and agreement of my FREE WILL to Choose to do so, only under the agreements written in this declaration.

I have the Right of FREE WILL to change, update or modify this Declaration  at any time.