Sunday, February 19, 2017

Houston DA and Sheriff Plan to Stop Charging Marijuana Users

For decades the American public has been forced to endure government policies on marijuana that areunbelievably idiotic and harmful to millions of completely innocent people. They’re so dumb that Americans have been ignoring these laws en masse, even though it threatens their safety, freedom, and prosperity. These policies are so outrageous that over the last few years, even local and state governments have been ignoring the asinine drug laws crafted by the feds.
The latest example of this resistance comes from Houston, Texas, the largest city in the state. Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, Sheriff Ed Gonzales, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo have decided that they will no longer charge anyone caught with less than 4 ounces of marijuana. The new policy will take effect on March 1st.
Anyone caught with pot will have to endure a four-hour drug class, and the marijuana in their possession will be confiscated by the police. No court appearances, no jail time, and no criminal records that could ruin the lives of harmless drug users. The officials behind this policy believe that it will save the county $10 million per year, keep 12,000 people out of the justice system, and give more resources to law enforcement for dealing with violent criminals.
The Sheriff’s office noted that “We’re really encouraged by these swift actions by the district attorney, and we are looking forward to working with Harris County’s criminal justice leadership identifying common-sense solutions to our broken criminal justice system.”
These days its pretty easy to criticize the justice system and law enforcement. After all, they’re the ones who have been ruining countless lives for decades by enforcing the drug war. But it’s heartening to see that these people are capable of opening their eyes and ignoring contemptible laws that have burdened Americans for so long.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Clinton Foundation Quits Haiti Amid Child Trafficking Arrests Announce 'cutting programs' as Haitian police raid pedo ring

Just before the arrest happened GLENN BECK tweeted
this warning t0 the pedosexual monsters
,Big op going down in 2 hours. 20 plus kids. Youngest is 10
and has been filmed the last couple years in child porn videos. #rescueslaves —
Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) February 5, 2017,
he one of them?

Haiti News - Lapolis arete yon pakèt Trafikan Timoun
nan KALIKO Beach

The timing of the announcement has raised a lot
of question regarding the real reason for withdrawal, especially as it was revealed
that people had advance knowledge of the police raids after radio host, Glenn
Beck, tweeted about the imminent arrests hours before they took place.

'Wars not diminishing': Putin's iconic 2007 Munich speech (FULL VIDEO)

Monday, February 6, 2017

DHS Human Trafficking Ad You Can Help Them

The Long Awaited Arrests of Cabalists are Supposed to Start This Week! Posted By: Jordon

Always question everything date: Monday, 6-Feb-2017 08:34:58 Multiple sources confirm that about 70 arrest warrants will be served on power brokers and politicians in Washington DC, Virginia and New York this week shortly after Jeff Sessions is confirmed as US Attorney General. Among those to be arrested are Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer, Richard Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton’s vice-president pick Tim Kaine, Pentagon sources say. These arrests will follow 474 arrests that took place in California last week as a pedophile ring that served Hollywood and West Coast elites was taken down. It is interesting to note the California arrests were only reported by local news outlets and completely ignored by the big corporate networks.
Former US President Bill Clinton is also reported to be “singing like a canary” and has provided evidence that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton and many others, Pentagon sources say. Here is what a Pentagon source had to say on the matter “Hillary is toast as Obama refused to pardon, Bill snitched on her, and her prosecution has been ordered by Trump.” There are credible tabloid news reports that Hillary was caught trying to flee to Bahrain and stopped.
There are also preliminary reports saying a raid was made on Jeffrey Epsteins’ Caribbean sex slave Island and that 32 kids were freed and 8 traffickers were arrested.
There is also going to be a more hidden and brutal power struggle going on in the secret agencies as “CIA Deputy Director Gina Haspel was chosen to rendition to black sites and torture cabal, drug cartel and ISIS guys,” a Pentagon source says.
There is also, as is often the case, high level intrigue and skullduggery going inside the Vatican. This has been widely reported by the corporate media in the form of news that Pope Francis fired Grand Master Mathew Festing of the Knights of Malta in a “dispute over condoms.”
If you look at the membership list of the Knights of Malta,
it reads like a who’s who of the globalist elite full of names like Rockefeller, Bush, Rothschild etc. so you can tell that this is about more than just “condoms.” In fact, according to sources in the Vatican Secret Service, what really happened was that the Knights of Malta’s top brass were caught

More results from Interphone confirm GLIOMA risk associated with use of mobile phones a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine.
The Interphone study on use of mobile phones and brain tumour risk included 13 countries during the study period 2000 – 2004. The major results were published after a delay of 6 years in 2010. In the last decile of cumulative exposure > 1,640 h a statistically significant increased risk for glioma was found, OR = 1.40, 95 % CI =1.03-1.89. In the other categories of cumulative use a decreased risk was found. Bias and confounding were discussed as potential reasons for that. Analysing only subjects with regular use of a mobile phone yielded OR = 1.82, 95 % CI = 1.15-2.89 in the group with highest cumulative use.
There was an age difference between cases and controls in the Interphone study and furthermore cases and the matched controls were interviewed at different time periods, controls usually later than cases. This is problematic for mobile phone use with rapid penetration of the use in the population.
In a recently published alternative analysis, cases and controls nearest in age and time for interview were included. The association between mobile phone use and glioma was strengthened thereby. Thus, among regular users in the 10th decile (> 1,640 h) cumulative use gave OR = 2.82, 95 % CI = 1.09-7.32. The authors concluded that there was ‘stronger positive association among long-term users and those in the highest categories of cumulative call time and number of calls.’.
Since the IARC evaluation in 2011 on exposure to radiofrequency radiation form mobile phones, and other devices that emit such radiation, and brain tumour risk additional research has strengthened the association. It is by now time to re-evaluate the scientific evidence on the cancer risk from radiofrequency radiation.
Read More @
WARNING: Mobile Now Act, Bill S-19 S-88 – 5G 24Ghz to 90Ghz Wireless Microwave Transmitters Coming To Your Home Soon!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

BREAKING - #PIZZAGATE - NEW DHS Commercial About Human Trafficking Cameo's A PIZZERIA

The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C. and around the world

The "Federal" Government is a Separate Nation
and should be called the United States, Incorporated. This is why BIDEN kept asking “was your complaint against TRUMP signed by a senator” ONLY AN ELECTED by the people can file a complaint against another ELECTED entity
.  This Awareness indicates there are two governments operating in this country: Can you guess which one send people to jail, evict people from their homes, force vaccines,
·        the United States of America is the Republic government created by the states, for the states, created by the people, for the people
·        and there is the US government, which is a corporate government, or corporation. This federal government, should be called the United States of America, Incorporated.
Corporations are not allowed by law to become politically charged in terms of their controls over the masses of a region. Yet this what they have been allowed to do: Bill Clinton regrets 'three strikes' bill
In 1994, Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the largest crime bill in history, which allocated $10 billion for prison construction, expanded the death penalty, and eliminated federal funding for inmate education. The act intensified police surveillance and racial profiling, and locked up millions for nonviolent offenses such as drug possession. It helped usher in the era of mass incarceration that devastated communities of color (for which Clinton himself has recently apologized). HAHA,This is why that crook will never fight to change that BILL
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Private prison: A private prison or for-profit prison is a place in which individuals are physically confined or incarcerated by a third party that is contracted by a government agency. Private prison companies typically enter into contractual agreements with governments that commit prisoners and then pay a per diem or monthly rate, either for each prisoner in the facility, or for each place available, whether occupied or not. Such contracts may be for the operation only of a facility, or for design, construction and operation.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

More than a thousand Yellowstone bison to be slaughtered to curb the herd Up to 1,300 bison roaming Yellowstone National Park are to be killed this winter to curb the species' migration

Thousands of Wild Buffalo Appear Out of Nowhere at Standing Rock  Native Americans attempting to stop a pipeline from being built on their land and water just got assistance from a large herd of wild buffalo.

However, WE CAN’T HAVE THAT SO, this is the price the BUFFALO will pay.. More than a thousand Yellowstone bison to be slaughtered to curb the herd Up to 1,300 bison roaming Yellowstone National Park are to be killed this winter to curb the species' migration

  • 25 of the animals that American Indians want will be spared to start new herds
  • The animals will be kept at a government research facility to monitor for disease and later relocated to Montana's Fort Peck Reservation
  • Park administrators last year proposed relocating a small group of bison to the reservation as an alternative to slaughter
  • When Montana livestock officials objected over disease concerns, park officials said they would kill the animals