by Gillian
Each thought you
have has its own consciousness. Within each thought lives an electromagnetic
field of possibilities. It is consciousness within consciousness. These
possibilities are magnetically drawn to other energies of like vibration.
When enough energies form a connection they birth the object of your
intention into matter.
Every thought has a
vibrational pulse that magnetizes other like thoughts. As they respond to the
energetic clarion call they begin to pulse and then connect with the image of
inherent within each of them and create what they have agreed upon.
In other words all
thoughts no matter what they are have the potential to manifest. Belief
creates a vibrational wormhole seducing the thought into form. It has been
proven that DNA has its own language very similar to the language of humans.
Human language is believed to be based upon our inner DNA language.
Every cell in your
body listens to every word you speak and think and then creates from that
dialogue. Nothing is dismissed by your DNA as a casual thought or a just
kidding statement. Everything is taken to heart and then on its way into
Your DNA believes
you are commander-n-chief, it sees you as a god in training and per the
universal fathers instructions obeys your every word and whim. ‘I am only
kidding clauses’ do not live within the intelligence of the DNA structure for
it responds to all thoughts and words. As we learn to communicate with our
inner universe on the way to creating our promised personal heaven on earth,
it is important to take time to slow down and park in your heart. The
meditative state of alpha is achieved simply by closing your eyes and looking
within to that single point of pure Light.
As we enter the
internal temple our dialogue with our DNA is heard loud and clear with no
outside buzz. As we move deeper into communication with our cellular
consciousness we find infinite pathways of creation available to us. We stand
within our inner temple looking at columns of light and possibility. We
ponder the possibilities and their outcomes. To our DNA and cellular cousins
everything and anything is possible. The self censors our deepest desires
creating a puddle to splash in instead of an ocean to swim in. Who are we to
stand in our own way and sabotage what the universe has deemed us to do?
When we are in a refined
state of DNA communication using the light waves to surf on, we can travel to
the past… the future…. and everything in-between. We have the ability to
transcend time and space. In this place of truth that is connected to all
time and space we can see what is to come, heal the past, and connect with
our deepest truths.
When we go within
anything is possible. It is up to us to hold that precious pearl of
possibility and not drop it in our every day world. As you visit the vista of
all time and internal space hold tight to the treasures of insight you bring
back. These are cellular truths you bring back. You are caretakers of what
could be…. What was…? And what will be. Honor them as your most precious
treasures. They are worlds that are waiting to be birthed
The document titled, “Chronology of Recent Interest in Exceptional Functions of The Human Body in the People’s Republic of China” can be found on the CIA’s website, and details studies which the Chinese government and other agencies funded to test thousands of children to see if they had superhuman abilities.
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