Thursday, July 28, 2016


Certainly enough people are commenting on the Mandela effect to give the phenomenon credence. In reading some of the articles about this,  I believe there has been a
Time line shift . I think that Spirit is showing us this in small doses with this Mandela effect, not to mess with our heads but to acclimate  us to what's coming. Which is why we must all to unlearn whatever we have learned NOTHING IS REAL the planet is on the move, both vibratory and changing our position in space. We're headed into the fifth dimension (eventually) so that everything is going to change. Perhaps material things that we hold near and dear might just, one day, disappear or undergo such change as to be unrecognizable. After all, this is all an illusion! Nothing really IS real.
 I believe our 'world' is going to be turned upside down soon and we had damn well better get used to the idea. Enter the Mandela effect. Remember it’s easier to fool the people then convince them that they have been fooled
Fear nothing, and you are protected, fear all, and you are not.
16-min 2011 video: "Cosmic Technicians at Work"
Our own Ladyhawke, bless her, who passed in 2012, brought this to my awareness in April, 2011.
you might hear the speaker's words differently today Thanks to YouTuber StelanTV.

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