Friday, February 27, 2015

Geraldine list for Feb 2015 of NON-CONSENT

Geraldine list for Feb 2015 of NON-CONSENT
Leading Ukrainian Nazi Visiting Washington  Seeking Weapons
National Park's being sold off of Lake District beauty spots
Jupiter (Lucifer) Ascending & the Harvesting of Souls
I DO NOT CONSENT TO: software  being used by bosses that predicts if

you’re going to steal from the firm
ALL Islamic Terrorism Funded By British Crown
Statins  the drug
HSBC Corporate Governance Corruption
Downing Street rejecting an inquiry into handling of HSBC files
Homeland Security Stockpiling Billions of Dollars of Experimental

Man Jailed for Feeding Cats
NYPD Pushing for Law that Would Turn Anyone They Want Into a Felon
Arkansas state senator suggests US nuke allies in order to deal with ISIS

Hong Kong leader telling people to act like ‘sheep’
The Trans Pacific Partnership.
The CDC’s False Interpretation of Flu Deaths Data
Canada’s Blank Check for Israel
Bomb attack leaves 11 dead in restive northeast Nigeria
Obama to Give Jihadists the Ability to Order US Airstrikes
US Federal Judiciary being a rogue secret society, 99.82% of complaints

Police Tasering an Eight-Year-Old Native American Girl Was Justified
Force vaccine on any living spirit/human being

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Canadian’s as well as the whole world is suffering from fractional banking and it has been controlled by so called leaders that are supposed to be the servants of the people. It is this fraud that has taken power away and enslaved humanity, again not due to money itself, not the currencies, but rather the systems themselves. what we are seeing is  humanity itself, individuals themselves, are very much beginning to question this FRAUD.

I have been doing some research on fractional banking and have discovered new information  about the corruption of Governments, local as well as International how the “people” are being controlled and manipulate through the regulation and domination of the financial Markets and the financial economic realities that are accepted by the majority ARE NOW BEING QUESTIONED.

THINGS ARE beginning to crumble. The banksters, as
they are often called, are beginning to be exposed. The truth of what they are really doing is being exposed.

The bigger picture has to do with something known as CAFR.
CAFR is that which are  “Current Annual Financial Reports”. These reports are issued by every corporation.

It is a legal requirement that yearly a CAFR must be delivered and it is the CAFR reports that have the truth, the total truth of how much a corporation is actually pulling in. Corporations do include
ALL governments around the world ,at all levels, municipal, regional, national. They include retirement corporations, they include sporting teams that are incorporated, they include hospitals, schools, etc. etc. and it is important to realize that the real truth is that there is much money available, but it is certainly controlled by a small handful.

Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada : is a surplus fund that each community has had millions of these dollars stolen from the citizens. It’s like a rainy day fund, or an emergency fund, From this surplus the police, teacher, roads built and repaired should be paid.instead of demanding more taxes from its citizens. If the mayor claims to have run short of money, BUT, the city never mentions this surplus fund, I wonder why? I also wonder where these funds are spent. Perhaps they line the pockets of someone.
The Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada (French: Fonds consolidé de revenu du Canada) is the account into which taxes and revenue are deposited, and from which funds are withdrawn in order to defray the costs of public services. Funds are deposited and withdrawn by the Receiver General for Canada.

would help understand the bigger picture of Finance that truly exists. It is an area
that those who are the 1%, as they are known, know all about and it is not their intent or desire for the masses to discover CAFRs, to see the actual truth of the matter, of how much
a corporation might actually have versus what it says it has, what it puts out it has, which then is often used to draw more public money, tax dollars to make them even more money.

Trash Bin' Lustration: Ukraine law declares open season on frmr officials

This is very interesting.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Perhaps David Icke has been right ,young Donated blood from "WHOM?)

Infusions of young blood may reverse effects of ageing, studies suggest
Giving old mice young blood reversed age-related declines in brain function, muscle strength and stamina, researchers say

Blood transfusions rejuvenate mice. Could they do the same for humans?
Donated blood
Donated blood. Researchers believe an anti-ageing therapy tested on mice should work in humans. Photograph: Martin Argles for the Guardian Martin Argles/Guardian
Ian Sample, science correspondent,
Monday 5 May 2014 09.28 BST Last modified on Saturday 21 June 2014 01.30 BST
Researchers in the US are closing in on a therapy that could reverse harmful ageing processes in the brain, muscles, heart and other organs. Hopes have been raised by three separate reports released by major journals on Sunday that demonstrate in experiments on mice the dramatic rejuvenating effects of chemicals found naturally in young blood.
Infusions of young blood reversed age-related declines in memory and learning, brain function, muscle strength and stamina, researchers found. In two of the reports, scientists identified a single chemical in blood that appears to reverse some of the damage caused by ageing.
Although all three studies were done in mice, researchers believe a similar rejuvenating therapy should work in humans. A clinical trial is expected to begin in the next three to five years.
"The evidence is strong enough now, in multiple tissues, that it's warranted to try and apply this in humans," said Saul Villeda, first author of one of the studies at the University of California in San Francisco.
Ageing is one of the greatest risk factors for a slew of major conditions, from cancer and heart disease to diabetes and dementia. As the population grows older, the proportion of people suffering from such conditions soars. A therapy that slows or reverses age-related damage in the body has the potential to prevent a public health crisis by delaying the onset of several diseases at once.
The three studies took a similar approach to investigate the anti-ageing effects of young blood. Old and young mice were paired up and joined like conjoined twins. To do this, researchers made an incision along the side of each mouse and let the wounds heal in a way that joined the animals together. The procedure meant that the mice shared each other's blood supplies.
Villeda found that blood from three-month-old mice reversed some age-related changes in the brains of 18-month-old mice. The animals grew more and stronger neural connections in a region called the hippocampus, meaning the brain cells could talk to each other more effectively, according to a report in Nature Medicine. An 18-month-old mouse is considered to be equivalent in age to a 70-year-old person.
Villeda went on to inject blood plasma – or blood without the blood cells – from young mice into older animals. The infusions had a striking impact on the animals' performance. Aged rodents given young blood plasma found their way around a water maze as well as six-month-old mice, and reacted like three-month-olds in an experiment that tested how well they remembered a threatening environment.
"There's something about young blood that can literally reverse the impairments you see in the older brain," Villeda told the Guardian. But he stressed that mice were not humans. "I wish our manuscript could come with a big caption that says 'Do not try this at home'. We need a clinical trial to see if this applies to humans, and to see if there are effects that we don't want."
Villeda said the anti-ageing effect was linked to a protein called Creb that acts like a master regulator in the brain. Young blood plasma makes Creb more active, and this turns on genes that drive neural connections.
In two further studies, researchers at Harvard University showed that infusions of young blood rejuvenated the brains and muscles of older mice. Chemicals in young blood encouraged the growth of blood vessels in the aged brain, which improved circulation in the organ. They also boosted the numbers of neural stem cells, which mature into brain cells. Older mice that received young blood had a sharpened sense of smell, able to distinguish odours as well as young animals could.
"It is possible that increased blood flow might result in increased neural activity and function, opening new therapeutic strategies for treating age-related neurodegenerative conditions," the authors wrote in the journal Science. Intriguingly, when older blood was given to young mice, scientists noticed a dramatic reduction in neural stem cells in their brains.
Similar infusions of young blood rejuvenated muscle tissue in older mice, boosting their strength and exercise endurance, according to another paper in Science.
The Harvard teams went on to show they could replicate the anti-ageing effects of young blood with injections of a single blood protein called GDF11. The amount of GDF11 in the blood slumps when mice grow old. The injections restored the protein to more youthful levels.
Amy Wagers, a senior author on both Harvard papers, said there was good reason to think that a similar approach could help combat the effects of ageing in older people.
"The protein is identical in mice and humans and it is also present in the bloodstream in humans. Our preliminary analyses suggest that it is similarly down-regulated with age, so we think its effects are likely to translate to humans," she told the Guardian.
Last year Wagers showed that GDF11 reversed some effects of ageing in mouse hearts. Barring unexpected hurdles, she expects to start clinical trials of GDF11 in humans in three to five years.
Doug Melton, a stem cell scientist at Harvard, said: "This should give us all hope for a healthier future. We all wonder why we were stronger and mentally more agile when young. There seems to be little question that, at least in animals, GDF11 has an amazing capacity to restore ageing muscle and brain function

Anti-ageing compound set for human trials after turning clock back for mice

New South Wales professor in US rolled back the key indicators of ageing to make two-year-old mice appear six months old
A laboratory mouse
A laboratory mouse. Photograph: Natacha Pisarenko/AP
Australian and US researchers hope an anti-ageing compound could be trialled on humans as early as next year, following a key breakthrough that saw the ageing process reversed in mice.
The study, involving Harvard University and the University of NSW, discovered a way of restoring the efficiency of cells, completely reversing the ageing process in muscles.
Two-year-old mice were given a compound over a week, moving back the key indicators of ageing to that of a six-month-old mouse. Researchers said this was the equivalent of making a 60-year-old person feel like a 20-year-old.
It’s hoped the research, published in Cell, will be expanded to humans as early as next year, with scientists set to look at how the theory of age reversal can be used to treat diseases such as cancer, dementia and diabetes.
The research focused on an area of cells, called mitochondria, which produce energy. Over time, the communication between this area and the cell nucleus degrades, leading to the ageing process.
Researchers injected a chemical called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD, which reduces in the body as we age. The addition of this compound led to the radical reversal in the ageing of the mice.
“The ageing process we discovered is like a married couple: when they are young, they communicate well, but over time, living in close quarters for many years, communication breaks down,” said the UNSW professor David Sinclair, who is based at Harvard Medical School. “And just like a couple, restoring communication solved the problem.”
Dr Nigel Turner, senior research fellow at UNSW and co-author of the study, told Guardian Australia the rate of age reversal in mice was “amazingly rapid”.
“We mapped the pathway to ageing carefully, but it was a real surprise to see the markers of ageing move back so quickly in just a week,” he said.
Turner said a “magic pill” that reverses ageing is several years away, partially due to the cost of the compound, which would be about $50,000 a day for a human.
But trials are expected to commence as soon as next year, with researchers confident that side-effects will be minimal due to the fact the compound is naturally occurring.
“Now that we understand the pathway, we can look at other ways to restore the communication and reverse the ageing process,” Turner said. “People think anti-ageing research is about us wanting to make people live until they are 200, but the goal is really to help people be healthy longer into old age.
“We know that this cell communication breaks down in diseases such as dementia, cancer and type-two diabetes. This research focused on muscles, but it could benefit multiple organs and delay and prevent a lot of these diseases occurring.
“Whether that means we’ll all live to 150, I don’t know, but the important part is that we don’t spend the last 20 to 30 years of our lives in bad health


Victims of human rights abuse in Canada, and also under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, no longer has to be subjected to having their cases denied, for lack of evidence, in proving that they have also suffered loss, as a result of those violations, against them under the Charter. By this ruling, the onus of proof, is also on the offenders to prove, that they did not cause those victims to suffer, any of those violations, or any losses as a result, under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. For myself and others, who are also suing the Canadian government, for the violation of those rights under the Charter, this will also make it much easier in proving the case. And after years of ignoring the United Nations recommendations on the standards of human rights, in that country, it is also finally taking the initiative, to correct those problems, to the benefit of those victims. There are still many more recommendations, that it has still not complied with, under the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. This action by the Supreme Court of Canada, in recognizing the rights, for the victims of human rights abuse, especially, under the Charter of Rights and Freedom, is in fact, only the beginning.
Posted 27th July 2010 by Valerie Guillaume

You wont believe who this man was,keep reading

Schlomo's Cocaine addiction.....
Sometimes it is difficult to accept what humans will the last century a cocaine (and other substances) addict wrote over 400 thousand words about what his many addictions had done to his mind.
Then, for its own purposes, the Tavistock Institute took these writings, asserted that they were theories, and created a religion around them that they then insisted is science, and called it "psychiatry".
The addict, a fellow named Schlomo, died of his addictions, but Tavistock was not even slowed in their use of this new 'science' as a tool for mind and social behavior control. They used the Tavistock Institute's associates network to promote this 'science' into the popular culture by way of the Judaic (and Masonic) Temples and Rabbi's. Within a shockingly brief period of time, the associates (read blackmail) network had heads of state and legislatures globally passing laws forcing the intrusion of this 'new science of mind control' onto the social order. The 'science' was particularly useful to the great empires of the time, the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics, and the USA.
Humanity has suffered ever since.
Tavistock continues to promote their agenda(s) and the planet's Powers-That-Be continue to be blackmailed into supporting the convoluted cocaine fantasies that ARE Schlomo's Cocaine 'science' for purposes that they (TPTB) cannot even imagine....
Oh, you probably know Schlomo under his 'acceptable' name of Sigmund (real name is Sigismund) Freud. Tavistock recognized that humanity would NOT accept a 'new science' from a cocaine addict named Schlomo. Eh? Addendum:
Tighten your sphincters people, it gets deep out there...
with respect...there seems to be some confusion out and about as to what is 'psychiatry', and its close cousin, 'psychology'.
At its core all psychiatry is a collection of theories promulgated by humans who can not define the 'psyche', 'mind', or what it is to be 'human', and yet represent their theories to be an in-depth and comprehensive (albeit 'growing') understanding of the 'human psyche and mind'. They acknowledge that they, personally, are indeed conscious, yet at are a loss to explain consciousness.
Further these humans who cannot define 'human', nor 'consciousness', nor 'mind', are claiming to be able to at least use their 'human consciousness and mind' to explain itself. And worse, YOU!
Yes, even the cult founder of psychiatry, Schlomo Freud himself, acknowledged that mind could not be directly 'appreciated (examined)', and therefore he suggested the remedy of instead examining and collecting and codifying human behavior as a means of mind-mapping. So the remedy proposed for the mind examining itself was to instead collect notes about the behavior of humans responding to the demands of a changing environment, and to classify the behaviors into categories that are 'meaningful' in the minds of the psychiatrists. These behaviors are then used to characterize some minds as 'ill', and others as 'sane'.
Notwithstanding that no two humans will ever respond the same way to any environment as all humans perceive inputs from their senses entirely uniquely to themselves, letting 'psychiatrists' decide what is 'mental illness' is like letting quantum scientists hunt for 'sub atomic particles'. The more they look, the more they 'find', as universe and their imaginations will continue to provide what they seek just ahead of it being found.
Just as with mind, in quanta (sub atomic particles) there is an endless amount. And as the quanta chasers will never discover, nor shall the psychiatrists acknowledge, mind chasing mind will always discover... more mind. Something every zen novice learns through much pain.