WE the free PEOPLE of QUEBEC Canada have the power to
Cancel and fire the useless SAAQ and fire the chief of the Quebec's
police forces and hire our own
Security company that will answer to the people.. Who taught
you how to drive? WHY do we spend over $900 hundred dollars to have the SAAQ teach
our children to drive? That should be a wonderful private time between you and
your child. Why do SAAQ want to put a black box the cars of people age 28 to
40? What’s that about? This is a new scam.
Why keep paying the salary for people that do not listen to
us/their boss? Instead they beat us and sadly in some cases kill us. These lawless
organization can only exist if the people as a whole
Agree to abide by their insane RULES, BYLAW’S AND STUTURES.
In my option they have broken the social contract to keep
the PEACE, they should be fired immediately since their existing, they have
been causing nothing but trouble and heart ship. They are out of control this
system is to broken to be fixed. They steal our money through Fines and any lies
they create. Are you aware that the parking meters are owned by foreigners? Look
on the back of any ticket and you will see that you are
Not paying money to the police but to a charity. Insurance
is a scam. All our roads are now owned by foreigners also .Example: LAVAL TOLL…WAKE
FAMILY. All this without your consent, you are paying the bills. I DO NOT CONSENT! To Anything or Anyone who Limits
MySelf in Anyway.
LAW “The stipulations
of parties constitute the law of the contract. Agreements give the law to the
contract.” (Pacta dant legem contractui. ~ Black’s Law Dictionary
Revised 4th Edition). “By agreement (or contract) something is
permitted that, without agreement, is not allowed.” (Pacto aliquid
licitum est quod sine pacto non admittitur. ~ Black’s Law Dictionary 7th
Edition). “Consent makes the law.” Consensus facit legem ~
Black’s Law Dictionary Revised 4th Edition). “A contract is a law
between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.” (Bouvier’s
1856 Law Dictionary). “The express agreement of parties overcomes
*prevails against+ the law.” (Conventio vincit legem ~ Black’s Law
Dictionary Revised 4th Edition).
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