Tuesday, December 8, 2015
3AM, The 38th Parallel, Manipulating War & Life
What if I told you that consciousness of the planet is controlled and manipulated by numbers, signs and symbols?
terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to
carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable
but individually unpredictable. In short, remote-control murder by lone
By the power given them by the designers of this reality, and that,
through them, they have been able to unleash all sorts of evil through
the minds and wills of men, through the sub/unconscious connection with
these numbers? Furthermore, what if this connection was led by the
geographic coordinate system of latitude/longitude lines on the planet,
in their relation to amount of sunlight/darkness in certain areas, at
certain times of year? Lastly, what if this connection is also
responsible for a weakening of dimensional barriers, letting in
multidimensional beings and UFOs? For me, the connection to all of this
started with the 3AM hour.
So if anyone is unaware, 3AM has some really serious power. The middle of the night is when people claim to see and hear ghosts, pick up on supernatural activity, and all around eery feelings. I have had many experiences with this myself. It is the time of day when the gates to the dimensions, higher and lower ones, open. However, until now, it has been a complete mystery to me as to WHY it actually occurs.
The first thing that came to mind for me was that Jesus died on the cross in the afternoon during the 3 O'clock hour. Given that I believe he used the sun in order to die at that particular time, perhaps there is an unknown gateway at this time of day as well, and both 3PM and 3AM gateways have to do with the sun, or rather with light and darkness.
So I started to study sunrise and sunset times throughout the year, to see if there was any correlation to how the night was placed in according to that hour. I was somehow hooked into the idea that 3AM may occupy space 67.6% into the night. The Freemasons have a 67th degree order, and I believe that number has major geometrical significance. The only flaw in that reasoning is that sunrise/sunset happen at different times each day, and at different times depending on latitude. Throughout the year, we have anywhere from 8 to 16 hours of darkness per night here in the US. No matter what location on the planet, or time of year I chose as an example, I couldn't seem to match up the 3AM hour anywhere close to 67.666% through the night.
Then I had a breakthrough. I realized that if this 3am hour DID have the most power in certain locations on the planet based on darkness/light ratios at certain times of year, that the forces of evil on this planet may be using that connection and power. So what places are most used by/for evil on this planet? I immediately thought of Bohemian Grove.

If you're not familiar with the Grove, every July, some of the richest and most powerful men in the world, including the super-rich, blood dynasty member families of the Illuminati, heavy-hitting corporate chieftains and high government officials, mingle with a number of Hollywood movie stars, Broadway producers, famous entertainers, musicians, authors, painters and poets. They all gather at a 2,700 acre campground in Monte Rio, Calif., for two weeks of heavy drinking, super-secret talks, ritual sacrifice, and deity worship. I felt that was a good a place as any to start.
I found very quickly that indeed there is one day of the year when 3AM matches within minutes of the 67.666% mark through the night, and it is right where Bohemian Grove is located. The 38th parallel where it is located is the closest latitudinal match to where 3AM meets 67+2/3% through the night. As if that weren't enough, the very night where 3AM meets 2/3rds through the night happens to be the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the longest night of the year. When you think about it, it's not at all surprising that the 3AM witching hour matches perfectly with the 67th degree of night on the longest night of the year. I believe people who live on or around the 38th parallel latitude line are especially on that night most susceptible to spiritual attack, and worse, possession.
You might just think this is all coincidence, until you factor in where else the 38th parallel crosses in or around in the world... Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, Japan, China, Spain, not to mention straight through the entire U.S. See this for a full list of where it passes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/38th_parallel_north

All of these nations have been major influences of war and evil, especially in today's world. I am not saying there isn't evil everywhere. In fact there are dimensional connections using just the latitudinal line numbers as well. For instance, Russia and Canada both cross in the middle of the 67th latitude line, and on the shortest day of the year there, they get only 90 minutes of sunlight. The -67th degree also has 90 min. of sun on its shortest day. 90 is a key # to understanding the dimensions and how they fit together...but that's another subject.
Bottom line though, war breaks out all over, but the fact is that the wars the global elite seem to be influencing and sustaining also match up perfectly with this dimensional energy nexus on the 38th parallel, and this energy is strongest on the longest night of the year. This convinces me that there is more than meets the eye, and the 38th parallel must be looked at with caution, as it seems to be an influencing force in consciousness and strong emotion. I personally live on the 40th parallel, and I still feel this connection very strongly, in fact, my more profound experiences happened to me in the middle of December, which is what prompted me to look there for a date.
And just as there is a 38th parallel in the Northern Hemisphere, there is also one in the Southern Hemisphere as well, -38 degrees, and on THEIR winter solstice, June 21st, the same thing happens with 3AM aligning closely being 67 & 2/3% through the night. However, most of the parallel line is covered by Oceans, save a few countries: Chile, Argentina, Southern Australia, New Zealand, and off coast of South Africa . So it is not nearly as much a threat.
Separate from the math, they have been shoving the truth about all this in our faces all along. The following 2 pictures are from a 1960s cartoon TV show called "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons". As you'll notice, there are numbers on the keypad that are different colors. The 3 & 8 (38) are one color, and the 6 & 7 (67) are another. In case you weren't convinced before about the connection between 3AM, the 38th Parallel, and 67th degree freemasonry, now you know it is the truth. This is undeniable. I got the pictures from a youtube video sharing subliminal 38's in movies and tv going back 50 years! some of the maker's connections are vague at best, but I do see the connection between Big Ben and the 38, though now that it is known, it may not come to pass as they hoped. watch it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo1dyCMClsA

The kicker to all this is I found an article that describes heavy UFO and supernatural activity on or around the 37th parallel! People were paying attention, even if they didn't know WHY it was happening. Many of the beings we think are aliens are actually multidimensional beings which don't exist in this 3rd dimension. I believe the UFOs seen in this area do so as passing between dimensions is easiest to do there, especially on the winter solstice. check out this article and the following picture marking UFO/supernatural sightings on the parallel:http://www.openminds.tv/37-degree-latitude-paranormal-freeway-814/12718

Just to share how this has all worked to steal light from people, it is well known that:
“Winter sunlight results in almost no production of Vitamin D above the 37th parallel in the United States.”
How is it possible that this single line can act as a border between enough sunlight for Vitamin D and not enough? It's not like there is THAT much less sunlight between the 2 areas. It is because the meaning of these higher parallel lines, starting with the 38th, which literally acts to steal light from people. That's what I believe.

Another thing on the 38th parallel: I had wondered why I had never heard of the number 38 attached to the Freemasons, who have such knowledge of this dimension, and the truth of numbers that create/enforce it. The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 , 39 have special meaning to the ELITE Freemasons, but I had never heard of them using 38 before, so I looked it up. Seems there is one man, a Former High Level Italian Illuminati member, who came clean about what he knew about his work with them. He states: "I was responsible for the revision of the 38th degree called Knight of St. John of the Apocalypse and what is known as the Supreme Council of Transformation, leading to the knowledge of the true Invisible Masters of the 39th degree and last degree of the Monte Carlo illuminati system known as THE INVISIBLE MASTERS. These invisible Masters were chosen only in the high level religious and aristocratic circles and contact with them was forbidden bellow the 38 degree. Why? Because there were real Illuminati and genuine Masters chosen by the dark Illuminati to keep their pyramid credible in the light of suspicions, as a nice front for the show." read more here: http://www.rense.com/general74/former.htm
Then I started thinking about what else they could be hiding with these latitude lines. I was able to find one thing. A description about desired land borders for the state of New Mexico. Seems it borders on the 38th degree latitude line on one side, and the 32nd degree line on the other. Both of those being Freemason #'s. Don't you think it's kind of weird that they use latitude/longitude lines to enforce the borders of states? The whole country is set up this way!! I believe it is set up this way as an attempt to keep this country controlled. The power from these latitude/longitude lines draw power to those who control them. Not only that, but the borders, being also part of the well known global latitude/longitude coordinate system, keeps them from breaking down or changing, keeping from civil war, as the boundaries feel as they should be there. It also keeps people from fighting other nations without their government, as the borders are hotspots for supernatural activity and possible demon possession. It's also perfect, because most people don't like to live on borders. They would rather stick with their own people within the border. This is why there aren't many cities on borders in the U.S. either. The following pics show the New Mexico land border plan, as well as a map including all individual longitude/latitude lines, so you can see how they have created the borders of virtually every state using these numbered coordinated lines

Now, I'm not too sure how you might take the rest of this, but in numerology, this 38th parallel, 38th freemason # is prevalent. This ties Bohemian Grove directly to September 11th. They planned everything to the T. Check out the next few pics I took from this site:http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/wtc/index02.htm

There's something else that I found of interest as well. The 30th parallel contains 2 dates that stick out in our procession of the equinox. You see, there are 4 times every year that are of interest to our consciousness as it relates to the sun, but I'd like to concentrate on 2 of them. First is February 7th. This is when our consciousness starts to wake up. and the second, believe it or not, is October 31st!! HALLOWEEN!! These are the 2 times of the year when the gates to the dimensions are fully opened. On Halloween, evil spirits run amok and reign supreme. ...but it's only in a specific latitude on the planet, or rather 2 latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is located 30º and Southern Hemisphere on the -30º latitude. The reason these 2 dates are of significance, and how they create this doorway is because on this night, there is exactly 13 hours of darkness. yes, 13, as in the Freemason #, and as the key to understanding how to break free from this 3rd dimensional reality. This is not only true of our annual cycle, but of our Procession of the Equinoxes as well, a 2500 year cycle on this planet, as it relates to our solar system's relation in distance to the Center of the Universe
So if anyone is unaware, 3AM has some really serious power. The middle of the night is when people claim to see and hear ghosts, pick up on supernatural activity, and all around eery feelings. I have had many experiences with this myself. It is the time of day when the gates to the dimensions, higher and lower ones, open. However, until now, it has been a complete mystery to me as to WHY it actually occurs.
The first thing that came to mind for me was that Jesus died on the cross in the afternoon during the 3 O'clock hour. Given that I believe he used the sun in order to die at that particular time, perhaps there is an unknown gateway at this time of day as well, and both 3PM and 3AM gateways have to do with the sun, or rather with light and darkness.
So I started to study sunrise and sunset times throughout the year, to see if there was any correlation to how the night was placed in according to that hour. I was somehow hooked into the idea that 3AM may occupy space 67.6% into the night. The Freemasons have a 67th degree order, and I believe that number has major geometrical significance. The only flaw in that reasoning is that sunrise/sunset happen at different times each day, and at different times depending on latitude. Throughout the year, we have anywhere from 8 to 16 hours of darkness per night here in the US. No matter what location on the planet, or time of year I chose as an example, I couldn't seem to match up the 3AM hour anywhere close to 67.666% through the night.
Then I had a breakthrough. I realized that if this 3am hour DID have the most power in certain locations on the planet based on darkness/light ratios at certain times of year, that the forces of evil on this planet may be using that connection and power. So what places are most used by/for evil on this planet? I immediately thought of Bohemian Grove.

If you're not familiar with the Grove, every July, some of the richest and most powerful men in the world, including the super-rich, blood dynasty member families of the Illuminati, heavy-hitting corporate chieftains and high government officials, mingle with a number of Hollywood movie stars, Broadway producers, famous entertainers, musicians, authors, painters and poets. They all gather at a 2,700 acre campground in Monte Rio, Calif., for two weeks of heavy drinking, super-secret talks, ritual sacrifice, and deity worship. I felt that was a good a place as any to start.
I found very quickly that indeed there is one day of the year when 3AM matches within minutes of the 67.666% mark through the night, and it is right where Bohemian Grove is located. The 38th parallel where it is located is the closest latitudinal match to where 3AM meets 67+2/3% through the night. As if that weren't enough, the very night where 3AM meets 2/3rds through the night happens to be the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the longest night of the year. When you think about it, it's not at all surprising that the 3AM witching hour matches perfectly with the 67th degree of night on the longest night of the year. I believe people who live on or around the 38th parallel latitude line are especially on that night most susceptible to spiritual attack, and worse, possession.
You might just think this is all coincidence, until you factor in where else the 38th parallel crosses in or around in the world... Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, Japan, China, Spain, not to mention straight through the entire U.S. See this for a full list of where it passes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/38th_parallel_north

All of these nations have been major influences of war and evil, especially in today's world. I am not saying there isn't evil everywhere. In fact there are dimensional connections using just the latitudinal line numbers as well. For instance, Russia and Canada both cross in the middle of the 67th latitude line, and on the shortest day of the year there, they get only 90 minutes of sunlight. The -67th degree also has 90 min. of sun on its shortest day. 90 is a key # to understanding the dimensions and how they fit together...but that's another subject.
Bottom line though, war breaks out all over, but the fact is that the wars the global elite seem to be influencing and sustaining also match up perfectly with this dimensional energy nexus on the 38th parallel, and this energy is strongest on the longest night of the year. This convinces me that there is more than meets the eye, and the 38th parallel must be looked at with caution, as it seems to be an influencing force in consciousness and strong emotion. I personally live on the 40th parallel, and I still feel this connection very strongly, in fact, my more profound experiences happened to me in the middle of December, which is what prompted me to look there for a date.
And just as there is a 38th parallel in the Northern Hemisphere, there is also one in the Southern Hemisphere as well, -38 degrees, and on THEIR winter solstice, June 21st, the same thing happens with 3AM aligning closely being 67 & 2/3% through the night. However, most of the parallel line is covered by Oceans, save a few countries: Chile, Argentina, Southern Australia, New Zealand, and off coast of South Africa . So it is not nearly as much a threat.
Separate from the math, they have been shoving the truth about all this in our faces all along. The following 2 pictures are from a 1960s cartoon TV show called "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons". As you'll notice, there are numbers on the keypad that are different colors. The 3 & 8 (38) are one color, and the 6 & 7 (67) are another. In case you weren't convinced before about the connection between 3AM, the 38th Parallel, and 67th degree freemasonry, now you know it is the truth. This is undeniable. I got the pictures from a youtube video sharing subliminal 38's in movies and tv going back 50 years! some of the maker's connections are vague at best, but I do see the connection between Big Ben and the 38, though now that it is known, it may not come to pass as they hoped. watch it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo1dyCMClsA

The kicker to all this is I found an article that describes heavy UFO and supernatural activity on or around the 37th parallel! People were paying attention, even if they didn't know WHY it was happening. Many of the beings we think are aliens are actually multidimensional beings which don't exist in this 3rd dimension. I believe the UFOs seen in this area do so as passing between dimensions is easiest to do there, especially on the winter solstice. check out this article and the following picture marking UFO/supernatural sightings on the parallel:http://www.openminds.tv/37-degree-latitude-paranormal-freeway-814/12718

Just to share how this has all worked to steal light from people, it is well known that:
“Winter sunlight results in almost no production of Vitamin D above the 37th parallel in the United States.”
How is it possible that this single line can act as a border between enough sunlight for Vitamin D and not enough? It's not like there is THAT much less sunlight between the 2 areas. It is because the meaning of these higher parallel lines, starting with the 38th, which literally acts to steal light from people. That's what I believe.

Another thing on the 38th parallel: I had wondered why I had never heard of the number 38 attached to the Freemasons, who have such knowledge of this dimension, and the truth of numbers that create/enforce it. The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 , 39 have special meaning to the ELITE Freemasons, but I had never heard of them using 38 before, so I looked it up. Seems there is one man, a Former High Level Italian Illuminati member, who came clean about what he knew about his work with them. He states: "I was responsible for the revision of the 38th degree called Knight of St. John of the Apocalypse and what is known as the Supreme Council of Transformation, leading to the knowledge of the true Invisible Masters of the 39th degree and last degree of the Monte Carlo illuminati system known as THE INVISIBLE MASTERS. These invisible Masters were chosen only in the high level religious and aristocratic circles and contact with them was forbidden bellow the 38 degree. Why? Because there were real Illuminati and genuine Masters chosen by the dark Illuminati to keep their pyramid credible in the light of suspicions, as a nice front for the show." read more here: http://www.rense.com/general74/former.htm
Then I started thinking about what else they could be hiding with these latitude lines. I was able to find one thing. A description about desired land borders for the state of New Mexico. Seems it borders on the 38th degree latitude line on one side, and the 32nd degree line on the other. Both of those being Freemason #'s. Don't you think it's kind of weird that they use latitude/longitude lines to enforce the borders of states? The whole country is set up this way!! I believe it is set up this way as an attempt to keep this country controlled. The power from these latitude/longitude lines draw power to those who control them. Not only that, but the borders, being also part of the well known global latitude/longitude coordinate system, keeps them from breaking down or changing, keeping from civil war, as the boundaries feel as they should be there. It also keeps people from fighting other nations without their government, as the borders are hotspots for supernatural activity and possible demon possession. It's also perfect, because most people don't like to live on borders. They would rather stick with their own people within the border. This is why there aren't many cities on borders in the U.S. either. The following pics show the New Mexico land border plan, as well as a map including all individual longitude/latitude lines, so you can see how they have created the borders of virtually every state using these numbered coordinated lines

Now, I'm not too sure how you might take the rest of this, but in numerology, this 38th parallel, 38th freemason # is prevalent. This ties Bohemian Grove directly to September 11th. They planned everything to the T. Check out the next few pics I took from this site:http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/wtc/index02.htm

There's something else that I found of interest as well. The 30th parallel contains 2 dates that stick out in our procession of the equinox. You see, there are 4 times every year that are of interest to our consciousness as it relates to the sun, but I'd like to concentrate on 2 of them. First is February 7th. This is when our consciousness starts to wake up. and the second, believe it or not, is October 31st!! HALLOWEEN!! These are the 2 times of the year when the gates to the dimensions are fully opened. On Halloween, evil spirits run amok and reign supreme. ...but it's only in a specific latitude on the planet, or rather 2 latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is located 30º and Southern Hemisphere on the -30º latitude. The reason these 2 dates are of significance, and how they create this doorway is because on this night, there is exactly 13 hours of darkness. yes, 13, as in the Freemason #, and as the key to understanding how to break free from this 3rd dimensional reality. This is not only true of our annual cycle, but of our Procession of the Equinoxes as well, a 2500 year cycle on this planet, as it relates to our solar system's relation in distance to the Center of the Universe

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