Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Newly Elected Canadian PM Trudeau Already Reneging on Promises, Begins Militarization of Police Force

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jan-2016 12:31:24
Like Father, Like Son: Globalist Visions Of Justin & Pierre Trudeau
Trudeau giving the 666 hand sign
Generally, the concept of respect is a two-way street. From a political standpoint, governments must maintain a degree of respect for their citizens in order to receive respect in return. Unfortunately, a reciprocal relationship of this nature is very much lacking within contemporary Canadian politics. In fact, a lack of respect is presently emanating from a rather questionable source— the Prime Minister of Canada.
Barely three months into a four year term, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has already revealed the level of respect he has for Canadian citizens— none whatsoever. Breaking campaign promises like a drunk breaks glasses at a tea party, Trudeau has revised or reneged on one campaign promise after another. Withdrawing jet fighters from the Middle East, fulfilling Syrian refugee quotas (are any of the refugees actually Syrian?), and legalizing weed are three which quickly come to mind.
Nor does our poster-boy Prime Minister show respect for those who voted him into office. Like father Pierre Trudeau— a former three-term leader of our nation— the value of public opinion is taking a back seat to personal egotism, irreverence and arrogance.

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