Monday, October 24, 2016


Posted By: sonofthewind [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 24-Oct-2016 15:40:07
Wonder if it makes any difference between "WARANTS" and "WARRANTS"?
True or bogus, that is.
In light of this report, is Judge Anna correct that the whole world is in debt to the "American people"?
After "WARANTS" issued for the previous and present leaders of the "American people", how could the "American people" themselves be without guilt?
The "tail" follows the "head"...doesn't?
Were the German people exempt from paying reparation costs for the crimes of their leaders for WW2?
They are still paying!
It made and makes no difference if one was or wasn't supporting that status quo system.
IF the leaders of the "American people" will be found guilty of "War Crimes", the "American people" WILL be on the hook to pay reparations!!!
Again, it makes no difference if one did or didn't, does or doesn't support the status quo system.
Everything goes into the pot.
Do you readers see how you are used over and over in every way possible by mostly RH-negative type blood entities?
What do you think, who created the "monkey see, monkey does" blueprint?

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