from Scott Bernstein:
Make no doubt about it. NCMEC is a government front that
exaggerates claims about what they do, statistics about success rates and their
self-proclaimed nobility. Celebrities have come to their side to voice their
support for NCMEC and if you like to drink from the Kool Aid, you will get
poisoned also. The simple question is where are the children? Just ask the
hundreds or thousands of parents who reported to NCMEC and ask them where their
children are today?
The National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children, NCMEC, was created out of the publicity generated from the
Adam Walsh disappearance and death back in 1981. The claim raised at the time
before Congress was that there was no government-affiliated agency in existence
to assist the parents of abducted children. The figures at the time portrayed
the situation as grim, insisting that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of
children a year were abducted by strangers. As it turned out, long-term
abductions by strangers figured only in the tens per year. Since its inception, NCMEC has received millions of dollars each year from
Congress. Presently, Congress allocates $50 million per year to the Center. But
how is the money used? And how does NCMEC work? NCMEC describes itself as a
Missing Children Clearinghouse, meaning that it disseminates information, but
plays no active role in the actual recovery of missing children. Today, NCMEC
has hundreds of staff and its salaries alone are running close to $30 million a
But what does it do? Well, it
gathers information and disseminates it. Does this help when a child goes
missing? Perhaps, but not significantly. Basically, what happens is that NCMEC
posts a photo of the child on their website. They have partner programs with
Wal-Mart and with ADVO to distribute photos of parentally abducted children,
which have been successful to a small degree. But what about those few children
that are actually in peril; the ones that Congress originally intended a
national missing children center to be structured for; the kids like Adam
Walsh? The answer is, not a whole lot of help gets channeled from NCMEC.
Take the case of Shawn Hornbeck, who
had been abducted by a stranger for four years. Or that of Shasta Groene, the
little girl, who was abducted after her whole family was murdered. Or Elizabeth
Smart, who was with her kidnapper less than a quarter of a mile away from her
house with a clear trail any competent bloodhound handler could find. Where was
NCMEC then? Nowhere to be found. Does America Need a $50 Million a Year Missing
Children Clearinghouse……or, rather, a $50 Million a Year Missing Children
Emergency/Ongoing Response Team?
The National Center For Missing
& Exploited Children is a private and conservatively funded front
organization that works hand in hand with the corporate media to exploit the
fear for one’s children in order to help get laws passed which are fully
unconstitutional. They are secretive about their operations and routinely
refuse to even cite their data sources as they spread false and misleading
statistical information to a nervous but clueless public. What is most
startling is the seemingly limitless connections this organization has, despite
their secretive nature.
They seem to have instant access to nearly
any politician or corporate television program, and no journalists ever look
into the group itself, but merely parrot the misleading information and often
false statistics passed along to them. CNN and Oprah are notorious for doing
this, and yet they reach such an unbelievably wide audience that it’s as though
what the NCMEC says simply becomes fact when spread through these media
outlets, with nobody bothering to verify anything.
It’s as though the claim that they
stand for defenseless children somehow excludes them from scrutiny, but their
clear involvement in political matters and influencing of the legal system begs
some real investigative journalism. To the journalists who try, don’t be
surprised when you hit a few walls. NCMEC is nothing more than a patriarchal
organization designed to control women who leave a situation where they
are being dominated and by doing so, it sends a message to other women caught
in an abusive relationship, that they had better not leave or their abuser will
hunt them down like dogs with the assistance of Ernie Allen and the justice
departments in various countries.
I feel this is an assault on the
rights of women and of course, most especially on mothers who are raising the
next generation. For me, this is a straightforward attempt to silence women and
the women’s movement through the re-victimization of the most vulnerable. If
NCMEC’s Going to try to regulate the Internet for Child Porn, It Should At
Least Be Subject to FOIA. NCMEC’s job is simply too important to be entrusted
to a nonprofit group–such a task can only be performed by a fully trained and
funded law enforcement agency (one, which conveniently enough, is subject to
the Freedom of Information Act, congressional oversight, and constitutional
requirements for due process.)
Congress is unlikely to address the
problem of NCMEC’s accountability given the sensitivity of the issue of child
protection. But, fortunately, we live in a republic, not a pure democracy: Our
third branch of government, the judicial branch, exists to enforce the rule of
law; being somewhat insulated from political pressure, the courts provide a
final check on the authority even of the almighty NCMEC. So it’s never been
high on the Obama administration’s list of czarist reforms. But simply by
ordering NCMEC to comply with FOIA, the Lazaridis court
could, with the stroke of a pen, bring accountability to NCMEC’s law
enforcement functions.
The legal question is simple: Does
NCMEC qualify as an “agency,” which FOIA defines as an “authority of the
Government of the United States?” If so, NCMEC must not only respond to
requests for certain of its “records,” but it must also follow a rule-making
process akin to that required of federal agencies when they make policy
decisions, offering the public appropriate notice and the opportunity to
comment on proposed regulations—instead of, say, threatening Internet companies
behind closed doors (sometimes the same companies that later make generous
donations to NCMEC) or cutting deals with state attorneys general. It turns out
that this is not a new issue.
Federal courts have had to decide
whether a number of quasi-governmental entities qualify as “agencies” over the
years, especially given the trend towards privatization over the last three
decades. Some organizations, like the Smithsonian Institution, have decided to
comply with FOIA even though courts have held that they’re not required to do
so. NCMEC could have allayed all these concerns years ago by doing the same
thing, but absent a change in management at the organization, it seems only a
court order will force the organization to open its “black box” of
decision-making to public inquiry. In a number of other circumstances, courts
have required nominally private organizations to comply with the federal FOIA
or its state equivalents. A thorough (if dated) treatment of this issue can be
found in the 1999 law review article, Privatization and the Freedom of
Information Act: An Analysis of Public Access to Private Entities Under Federal
Law by Craig Feiser, Florida’s deputy solicitor general and an adjunct at FSU Law.
Feiser explains: When Congress amended FOIA in 1974, it added section 552(f)(1)
and broadened the definition of “agency” to include entities not explicitly
mentioned under the APA, but which “perform governmental functions and control
information of interest to the public.”
In deciding whether a private
organization qualifies as an agency subject to FOIA, courts have considered two
factors. One factor asks whether the entity has substantial independent
authority in performing a function of the government, making it the functional
equivalent of the government. The other factor asks whether the government
substantially controls the entity’s day-to-day operations or organizational
framework. In using either factor, the court is essentially asking to what degree
the entity is performing a government function.
In one case, the government is
pulling nearly all of the strings; in the other case, the entity is making
decisions independently for the government. Financially, NCMEC is largely a
creature of government: 70% of NCMEC’s $42 million budget in 2007 came from the
government. But as Feiser notes, funding does not always mean control.
Government control over NCMEC’s internal decisions is unclear. Indeed, the very
lack of government control over an organization essentially regulating the
Internet and imposing criminal sanctions that could follow convicted “sex
offenders” for life would by itself be an enormous problem.
But given what NCMEC actually does,
it obviously qualifies as an “agency” subject to FOIA under the “functional
equivalence factor,” which as Feiser explains, basically represents the
opposite situation from the control factor. Here, the entity is functioning
independently, but making decisions for the government, as opposed to having
its decisions made by the government. In effect, it is the functional
equivalent of the federal government, and, therefore, it should be an “agency”
under the FOIA. I am hoping that the court sees NCMEC for what it is: a private
organization tasked with implementing not just any government function, but the
enforcement of laws against the most vulnerable victims in society. Absent such
a recognition, NCMEC will continue to grow into an unaccountable regulator for
the Internet.
Today, the only public oversight of
NCMEC required by law is the requirement that NCMEC (like any non-profit with
federal tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit status) file a Form 990 each year
disclosing basic information about its finances. That report does not list
NCMEC’s donors, because donors have a First Amendment right to remain
anonymous, but a more transparent organization would, like my own think tank,
at least identify its major donors. NCMEC’s CEO, Ernie Allen, was paid $359,191
plus $411,636 in benefits in 2006 (PDF p. 46) and $409,821 plus $426,540 in
benefits in 2007 (PDF p. 19), for a total of $1.6 million in two years (roughly
$800,000/year); I’d be reluctant to suggest that anyone at NCMEC was more
interested in money than inprotecting children, but if given the choice, we’d all
prefer to do well while doing good. So if Allen were smart, he’d realize that a
court order subjecting NCMEC to FOIA might be the best of all possible worlds:
Requiring real accountability would neutralize calls for nationalizing NCMEC,
allowing the organization to continue operating as a non-profit that can pay
quite a bit better than the Federal civil service. Even the Senior Executive
Service, for agency heads, maxes out at a measly $197,000/year.
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